Billing and Cancellation Policy
Subscription Start and Renewal Dates
Your subscription starts on the calendar day you register for an account and successfully enter a valid payment method. The renewal date for a monthly subscription is same numerical calendar day on each successive month. For example, a monthly subscription starting on October 2nd will renew on November 2nd and the second day of each successive month. The renewal date for a yearly subscription is the same day and month on each successive year. For example, a yearly subscription starting on January 3rd, will renew on January 3rd of each successive year.
This section only applies to subscriptions that include a free trial period. If your subscription includes a free trial period, you will not be charged until the stated trial period ends. If you cancel your subscription anytime before the trial period ends, your account access will end and you will not be charged. If you cancel your account after the trial period completes for a monthly account, you will be billed for the whole current subscription month (which starts on the first day of your free trial). If you cancel your account after the trial period completes for an annual/yearly account, you will be billed for the entire current subscription year (Which starts on the first day of your free trial).
BillingIf you are enjoying our service, do nothing and your subscription will automatically renew for as long as you choose to remain a subscriber. Renewals for a monthly or annual subscription will be billed at the current monthly or annual rate, respectively
Cancelation and RefundsThis section applies to subscriptions canceled outside of any free trial period. If you cancel a monthly account and were already billed for the current subscription month, you will continue to have access to your account for the remainder of the current subscription month. If you cancel a yearly account, you will continue to have access to your account for the remainder of the current subscription year. We do not offer partial or full refunds for monthly or annual subscriptions canceled outside of any free trial period.