POV Horror offers the world's largest collection of found footage horror movies and series. All of our films are meticulously curated from more than 20 countries around the world. Our catalog includes extremely rare found footage titles that you won't find elsewhere. We also own the worldwide rights to more than 120 found footage films and we restore long lost classic found footage titles which we include them on POV Horror for our fans to enjoy.
POV Offers monthly and annual subscription plans. New films are added weekly With our 7-day trial, you have nothing to lose. Subscribe today!
POV Horror is a strong supporter of independent filmmakers and the incredible content they produce. Most found footage filmmakers work 9-to-5 day jobs and create films as a hobby, hoping to earn enough money to recoup the cost of making their films. POV Horror provides a means of connecting filmmakers with found footage fans. The subscription revenue we collect is used to pay royalties to these filmmakers so they can be compensated for their hard work and tireless devotion to the genre. Please help us support independent filmmaking and purchase a subscription.